Ride the elevator up and you'll encounter some Protocol Droids and a Laser Turret. The top level contains more interesting loot. Search on top of some crates for a pack of 20 Nanites, as well as a box of Standard Bullets. On the second level, you'll come under attack by three Protocol Droids - back off and deal with them, but try not to fall off the edge, as the fall can be lethal if you've taken some damage. Backtrack away quickly while taking them out one by one, until they're all gone, then return to explore the upper floors. Taking it will cause several Protocol Droids to attack you. sneak around to the back and you'll find a body containing the Cargo Bay 2A/2B Access Card, as well as 5 Nanites. In this side of the Cargo Bay you'll find a bunch of Protocol Droid storage containers, but little else. You'll find a Medkit in one of the crates near the Replicator, and the machine itself is selling Soda, Maintenance Tools, Rifled Slugs and Strength Boosters, with a hack allowing you to buy Anti-Personnel Shotgun Shells. The walls are also lined with pods containing Protocol Droids, though you can ignore them. Upon entering, you'll see a Replicator in front of you, and some crates. Although you need to head to Cargo Bay 2 to find Sanger, the door requires a key (5), so make your way to Cargo Bay 1 instead, though you can take the time to explore Command Control right now if you wish. Be careful on entering, as there's a Security Camera waiting for you. You'll find doors to all major areas of Engineering B accessible from this room - nice and simple. There's also Version 1 Repair Software and the game cart for Overworld Zero, an Ultima knock-off, on one of the corpses. When they're dead, check the floor to your left for an Audio Log, and some crates containing Cigarettes and some alcohol. In here, you'll be attacked by a Monkey and a Hybrid. hope you like game over screens! No? Well, then, continue down the corridor. Upon entering this room, the xenomorphs will speak to you, providing a vision of their "symphony of life," and offering a chance for you to surrender.